We Help Self Published Authors to Sell More Books, Grow Revenues & Leads and Get More Reviews?

Your book is a great lead generation tool...
When it comes to marketing your book, few things are as effective as a well-executed promotional campaign. Whether you're trying to get more sales on Amazon or just raise awareness about your work, putting time and effort into spreading the word about your book can help to reach new audiences and boost your bottom line. But many authors simply don't have the time or resources to devote to a successful online marketing campaign. That's where our premium service comes in.

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Continous Promotion 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week
We build a targetted Amazon Ad Campaign driving book sales.
Optimised Amazon Book Sales Page and give the gift of Kindle eBooks and grow your rankings and reviews
Our first step is to optimise your Amazon Book including the best categories so you are ranking the top 100 and be seen by potential book buyers. Plus we maintain a unique "gift code claim" website where visitors can get a free Kindle book,and every book sold improves your Rankings.
Build your LinkedIn Reputation and Connections
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Generate Leads with Gifted Books and LinkedIn
Voluptate in sunt commodo aute do. Dolor enim dolor labore velit nulla sit exetion irure esse proid.

the history
Our way to successful future
Sint nulla commodo qui magna eiusmod quis aliqua laboris officia excepteur non eu in.

Dolor duis voluptate enim exercitation consequat ex. Voluptate in sunt commodo aute do. Dolor enim dolor labore velit nulla sit exercitation irure esse proident velit commodo. Est non officia proident esse culpa commodo nulla Lorem do enderit esse do.

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